PinnedWhat it’s like to be an IT Architect — a journey diaryI am an IT Architect in a mid-sized companie based in the EU. I want to share my thoughts, experiences and goals with you. If you are an…Jan 6, 2021Jan 6, 2021
How you can successfully implement new IdeasYou have a good Idea, an innovation or a new approach how to work in Teams more succesfully? The question is how you can implement it…Jan 1, 2022Jan 1, 2022
My personal reading recommendationThere is a lot in the world which could help you in your life and in your job. Books are some of these helping hands. I would like to…Feb 18, 2021Feb 18, 2021
Digital Transformation — how to find out what is the right Cloud Vendor for your companyFacing the Digital Transformation is not easy when you are in the start of searching the right Cloud Vendor for your BusinessFeb 17, 2021Feb 17, 2021